I want to lose weight. I want to be healthy. I want to lead a balanced lifestyle. Just like every other American getting up at 6am to go work out for the next few weeks, determined that this year, THIS year will be better. Forgive my jaded outlook, but I have come to realize that resolutions such as these are short lived as they lack focus, measurements along the way, and milestones to meet a vague goal.
I smiled at the cashier and laughed off her question, "Oh, geez. I don't know. How about you?" Shockingly, she said she wanted to work out more. I asked her a few questions about the gym she just joined, loaded up my cart with...uh...I have no idea...and then continued thinking a bit more about her question for some reason.

I DO want to be better. I want to be the best version of wife, mom, principal, friend, colleague, neighbor, Target shopper that I can be. So, what would be the "thing" that help? Thinking, thinking, thinking...
Over the past 6 months, I have been told that I am on my phone all the time by the following people: husband, sons, friends and...wait for it...my supervisor! Yeeks! This might be an issue.
So, I spent my winter break (prior to my conversation with the Target cashier) intentionally putting my phone away. I left it at home when I went out to the store. I left it in the kitchen and went about my business in the house. I even lost it a few times since I forgot where I had left it.
And I enjoyed it. Less texting, pictures, Instagramming, Voxing, emailing, Facebook stalking (come on, you know you do it, too) and Tetris-ing (Yes. This has become a problem). More reading - books made out of PAPER, uninterrupted time with my boys at the Children's Museum, going to see movies, putting together 1000 piece puzzles (ok, 994 pieces since I live with 2 boys, a cat and an eat-anything-I-see dog), and coloring. So much coloring. I was able to be in the moment, away from the dings and lights on my phone pulling me in to Vox, text, or collect my prize in Tetris. (I know. :/)
So this is it. My one word New Year's resolution. Nay. Not resolution as much as New Year's something-to-be-mindful of. Yes, that's what is should be called from now on. So here it is...
Be in the present. Put away my digital distractions and just be. Be in conversations with people, really listening, be at home with my boys and pay attention to what they are doing (and not doing). Be with my husband and really listen. I know this will mean my phone will blow up and I will end up spending a chunk of time going through everything at some point, but my hope is that the conversations and time spent with others will fulfill me and enhance my life more than any ringtones and flashing lights can.
What is your one word New Year's Something-to-be-mindful-of? (See what I did there?)
So true. It's so easy to get caught up with technology. Miss you, too. Hope you are doing well. :)