I ran across this quote from a colleague and it made me giggle and first, but then I thought about it again a few days later.

This is so true. We are so very lucky to have the jobs we have. We get to hang out with silly, smart and energetic kids EVERY DAY. Sometimes, I find that I get into this mode where I take everything so seriously.
But, why should we be so serious every day? Our kids are FUN...and funny! Our 3rd grade friend, Luis, tracks me down every morning during morning walk to tell me a joke. Seriously. Every morning. This is one of my favorite things about morning walk. That and dancing and singing to music. Music, being with kids and being silly first thing in the morning helps me get into a positive frame of mind. I find on days when I miss music and Luis on morning walk, my day is not near as positive and easy as when I get out and have fun with our kids.
How about you? Do you intentionally seek out time to laugh with your kids and find ways to show them how much you love being around them?
I have this quote printed in my office now as a reminder to stop taking everything so seriously all the time. I chose to go into education because I love kids and being around them so much. I feel blessed that I get to do what I love when I'm around kids.
Also...Why do penguins love to make pancakes?...Because they have flippers!
(Ayyy-ohhhhh. Thanks, Luis!)