During the Area 3 Writing Project's Summer Institute in 2012, I found myself surrounded by brilliant educators from Kindergarten through high school. Passionate and hard-working teachers who were fired up about providing the best instruction for our students throughout Sacramento. For 30 days, we researched, wrote, reflected and wrote some more. It was a crazy month. I was tired. I was cranky. I was surrounded by greatness.

It is a rare thing in education to be surrounded by like-minded, forward-thinking colleagues who will stop at nothing to make changes to support our kids in following a path of greatness through their school years.

At the end of our Institute, we talked about how much we had learned from one another. We were sad to leave one another in the same way I felt leaving summer camp when I was a kid. Someone had talked about the need to have a"Sharky's Cove," a group of passionate, positive, innovative people to stay connected to. Legend has it that in some mysterious town, there was an alleged place called "Sharky's Cove," where friends gathered to reconnect with one another and talk about their shared passions, hopes and dreams.

The point is that it doesn't matter where the actual Sharky's is. Or even if there is one. Or if this story is even true. The important part is knowing where to find my own "Sharky's Cove."
I firmly believe in surrounding myself with positive people who have my best interest in mind and who build me up to better than I am because they believe in me and share in my vision. Everyone needs people like this. I am fortunate to be connected with a group of like-minded educators in the field of innovation and change in school climates and cultures. Those who believe that we are part of something great in education. Something worth building for our students.
For the past two days, I have been in my own Sharky's Cove. I have spent 2 days at Skywalker Ranch at the first CUE Rockstar Admin camp. I am one among 100 administrators from all over California who believe in being the voice of change. Who strive to make things better than they are now by taking risks and speaking their truth, while exploring different tools and strategies in connecting with our teachers and students.
At times, I feel as though I am alone in my passion for making school engaging for our students, where they can question the status quo and make their own meaning out of education. Every time I attend a CUE conference, I feel as though I am connected with others who "get it." We build one another up to be a positive agent for change for our kids and schools. I am not afraid to speak up in this Sharky's Cove, knowing that while other opinions may differ, our vision for school excellence is the same.
I feel fortunate to have spent a few days with wonderful brains full of creativity and passion for students and teachers. It fills my bucket to know that there are others out there like me. Like summer camp from back in the day, I wish we could stay together longer. I am hoping the connections made and conversations had will sustain me until the next CUE conference.
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